Jupiter Hell is a game that requires a little introduction. First of all, this is a turn-based roguelike that follows very closely in the footsteps of the original Rogue. The map, the inventory, the combat, the random generation, and the fact that you carry over *zero* progression between runs is the way Jupiter Hell rolls. Personally I don’t have a chip on my shoulder about all the recent “roguelites” that are flooding storefronts, but I am having a hell of a time with Jupiter Hell. The quality on display here is no surprise as developer Kornel Kisielewicz has essentially been making this game since 2002.

The story, level, and enemy design is heavily influenced by DOOM. You are a space marine (or a scout or an engineer) trapped in a space facility where shits gone awry. With little introduction you just have to start blasting your way through the facility trying to survive. At first glance Jupiter Hell may look like another isometric shooter, but it’s actually turn based. Enemies don’t move or attack unless you move giving you time to assess every situation. When you are just clearing rooms, however, the animation is so smooth that it almost looks like you’re moving in real time.

There’s a cover system that let’s you shoot around corners while staying safe, which makes combat more strategic. The loot varies from armor pick ups, tons of weapons, grenades, and other various supplies. Enemies range from melee demons, fire throwing demons, and other solider who have gone rogue. Plus each starting class has their own list of perks and abilities. It’s quite a complete package if you’re itching for some authentic roguelike action or you want to spray, and rock out to, some heavy metal.

Ryan Shepard

I remember playing Super Mario Bros. and Metroid on the NES with my older brother, and never being able to land on the aircraft carrier in Top Gun. I faked being sick so I could stay home from school and play Quake II once, but now I request days off from work instead of lying. Age of Empires II is still the best RTS, Half-Life is still the best FPS, and I still think the end of Mass Effect 3 was great!

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