Timberborn is a unique take on the city builder in that you are tasked with keeping a colony of beavers happy. On the surface, it’s pretty simple. They need veggies and water, and of course wood to build things. But it doesn’t take long to find the interesting twists like beaver science and metal working.

The most satisfying part of Timberborn is watching your beavers go about their daily routines. Seeing them march up and down their paths, delivering materials, and taking little beaver showers is mesmerizing, and cute as heck. Keeping your city flush and green requires managing your water supply, as this post-apocalyptic world suffers frequent droughts. Luckily beavers make dams, so with enough ingenuity and foresight, drought and famine can be avoided.

Timberborn1I mentioned post-apocalypse, metal working, and beaver science, which may seem like odd additions to a beaver-focused city builder. Well it turns out this game takes place in the aftermath of humanity’s extinction, with the beavers surviving the fallout. They’re making the best of it too by tearing down the rusted skyscrapers and turning them into advanced building materials and manufacturing. So you can look forward to that as your city expands.

Thankfully the beavers aren’t going to fall into the same traps us humans did because a major concern in Timberborn is sustainability. It won’t take long to munch down the small amount of trees that exist in the mostly barren world. Luckily the beavers are smart enough to plant their own forests and maintain their own crops. Not bad for for our buck-toothed buddies. They deserve a beaver brew on a beautiful roof-top terrace, don’t you think?

It’s nice to kick back with a beaver brew after a hard day’s work.

While Timberborn is still in early access, the game is in great shape with tons of content and replayability, so you can trust that Overwhelmingly Positive review score on Steam. It features many options to customize difficulty, map aspects, and has two unique beaver races to choose from. It also it gets frequent updates and already has a great tutorial to get you started. Now’s the perfect time to sink your teeth into Timberborn and help your busy beavers rebuild the world.

Ryan Shepard

I remember playing Super Mario Bros. and Metroid on the NES with my older brother, and never being able to land on the aircraft carrier in Top Gun. I faked being sick so I could stay home from school and play Quake II once, but now I request days off from work instead of lying. Age of Empires II is still the best RTS, Half-Life is still the best FPS, and I still think the end of Mass Effect 3 was great!

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