Do you trust your reality? That’s the question the new psychological horror game Little Voices In My Head is going to be asking you. Designed to make you feel uneasy from the get go, this Silent Hill inspired 2D horror title will have you questioning everything you see and hear.
Told from the point of view of three different characters, the story revolves around a questionable new lab called “Genethic”. As Lars, a seasoned detective, you must investigate the situation to uncover what’s really going on. But will you also fall victim to Genethic’s secrets or is your mind strong enough to endure?

The bulk of the game is said to take place in a semi-open world as you investigate and make decisions as a private investigator. Relying on mechanics like using a flash light and keeping track of a madness meter, you’ll have to decide whether what you’re seeing is real or a trick your mind is playing on you. In addition, the promise of gore and scares should pair nicely with the haunting atmosphere.
Little Voices In My Head is currently running a Kickstarter campaign to earn funding to finish the project. Constantin Rioche, the soul member Krystalium Studio, states that the Kickstarter will allow him to hire an artist and to “push the game above and beyond,”. Backers will get access to the game’s first chapter immediately after the funding campaign ends. The Kickstarter will fund development of the second a third chapters, the second chapter being the semi-open world mentioned above. Rioche believes that Kickstarter is an amazing tool that can help create a community around his game.
Little Voices In My Head has a funding goal of €6,000, or $7,052, with a projected release date of July/August 2018. Right now it’s only slated to launch on Windows, Mac, and Linux, and only in English. However, the campaign features stretch goals including other languages and a possible Android version. It’s also going to be DRM free, coming out on gamejolt, GOG,, and directly from the developer himself.
If you’re interested in seeing more of Little Voices In My Head you can check out the trailer below. You should also keep your flashlight pointed at Voxel Voice for more information as development continues.