Kill It With Fire is a one-man passion project that sets out to do just one thing: Create chaos in the same a squashing spiders. Fair warning as there are copious amounts of spiders in the game, so if you have an aversion to those creepy crawlies you may want to pass on this one. It does have an arachnophobia mode you can turn on, which I show off at the 10 minute mark in the “{what is…” video above, but it just kind of turns them into moving dots. Not sure if this will satisfy arachnophobes or not.

But anyway, the whole point of the game is to perform simple objectives, unlock more areas to explore, and improve your arsenals of weapons. You may think that a Magnum revolver isn’t the best weapon to kill a tiny spider, and you’d be right! It can be difficult to aim and squeeze and shot with such a slow firing weapon, but luckily you have much more efficient tools to choose from. As the name suggests, the real star here are the fire weapons. Fire spreads, ignites just about any options, and will burn spiders right out their hiding spots. It’s quite literarily a scorched earth method that gets the job, but at great cost.

In all honestly, it’s just fun to mess around with all the tools at your disposal and see what kind of chaos you can cause. Things can escalate quickly and each level’s objectives tend to lean into that escalation. If you’re a completionist you may want to be a little more methodical with your approach, but if all you want to do it let off a little steam then feel to unleash the C4 and watch it all burn. There’s even a holiday update currently live that sends you on a scavenger hunt to unlock some overpowered weapons, so the game is consistently being updated.

Kill It With Fire may not be the Citizen Cane of video games, but it’s also not trying to be. If you’re up for some goofy, cathardic fun and/or like simple puzzles games then it may be worth giving Kill It With Fire a Shot.

Ryan Shepard

I remember playing Super Mario Bros. and Metroid on the NES with my older brother, and never being able to land on the aircraft carrier in Top Gun. I faked being sick so I could stay home from school and play Quake II once, but now I request days off from work instead of lying. Age of Empires II is still the best RTS, Half-Life is still the best FPS, and I still think the end of Mass Effect 3 was great!

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