The Adventure Pals is on track to launch on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Switch, and PC in Spring 2018. It will also have a playable demo at this year’s PlayStation...
Author - Ryan Shepard
I remember playing Super Mario Bros. and Metroid on the NES with my older brother, and never being able to land on the aircraft carrier in Top Gun. I faked being sick so I could stay home from school and play Quake II once, but now I request days off from work instead of lying. Age of Empires II is still the best RTS, Half-Life is still the best FPS, and I still think the end of Mass Effect 3 was great!
Playtonic Games has announced on their blog that Yooka-Laylee will be releasing on the Nintendo Switch on December 14th. The game will feature single-joycon controls for...
Nosebleed Interactive in collaboration with Wired Production have announced that Vostok Inc. will be coming to the Nintendo Switch eShop on December 7th. It will cost...
Reikon Games has pushed out a new, free update to their brutal twin-stick shooter RUINER. Dubbed the “Savage Update,” it includes things many fans have been...
Developer: Crescent Moon Games Publisher: Crescent Moon Games Reviewed on: Switch Code Received. Morphite wears its inspirations on its sleeve. One part Metroid Prime...
RIVE: Ultimate Edition will hit the Nintendo eShop on Friday, November 17th. This will be another entry in the long list of indie games coming to Nintendo’s new...
Another player joins the game of limited physical releases. Strictly Limited Games has announced that they will be publishing limited-run quantities of previously...
Indivisible, the action-RPG from Lab Zero Games of Skullgirls fame, has surpassed it’s funding goal on Iniegogo and is on it’s way to PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox...
After years of development, D-Pad Studio’s Owlboy finally launched on PC last year to critical acclaim. Since then, little has been said about the game outside of...
Hob is clever action-puzzler with an amazing art style and rich world. Zelda may run through it's veins, but it's heart pumps to it's own beat.